Sitting in a dark movie theater, leaning forward with your eyes fixed on the screen and hands clenching the edg... [查看全文]
Disney is well-known for injecting its movies with bright, infectious music that bounces round in your mind for ... [查看全文]
Shot over 12 years, Richard Linklater’s film about growing up is a devastatingly plausible biography of a r... [查看全文]
曾经,你以为她只是貌美如花;看过《跑男》之后,你却发现她还能摸爬滚打。乖乖女还是女超人?让我们一起走进Angelababy的世界!In recent b... [查看全文]
一个邪恶的皇后(朱莉娅·罗伯茨饰),密谋着要用自己的邪术夺取一个国家的控制权。她最重要的敌人就是这个国家真正意义上的继承人,一个漂亮... [查看全文]
Five Stories of Classic《滚石》创始人割爱五层精装豪宅A brownstone at 37 West 70th Street, with airy panache and a p... [查看全文]
Ian Somerhalder and Nikki Reed Make Red Carpet Debutat Globes Bash【最新鲜的好莱坞资讯】吸血鬼日记主演大萌君IanSomerhald... [查看全文]
Big Movies Plunged Into Our Still-Wrenching History. Did the Golden Globes Award Them?解构金球奖影片Frank Bruni: You... [查看全文]
Amazon Signs Woody Allen to Write and Direct TV Series伍迪·艾伦要给亚马逊拍电视了After more than four decades of m... [查看全文]
For Li Na, Retirement Has Been a Busy Time纽约时报专访退役后的李娜Uncertainty abounds heading into the Australian Op... [查看全文]