The voices of the public must be heard. The 2015 People's Choice Awards have arrived, giving the audience a... [查看全文]
好莱坞影星安吉丽娜·朱莉被英国女王授予荣誉爵位,表彰她为英国外交和防止战争地区针对妇女的性暴力的贡献。今年39岁的朱莉10月10日被女王... [查看全文]
今年英国的巴斯电影节(Bath Film Festival)上将出现一种新的电影级别符号:F。设立这个女权主义电影级别,据信是为了突出电影业缺乏女性... [查看全文]
Cheryl成为第一位拥有5首冠军单曲的英国女歌手本周排行榜前10名中有2首新歌,1首上升,1首位置不变。英国DJ Calvin Harris上个月底刚刚推... [查看全文]
A Battle of Bandits and Wits in Civil War Era China时报影评:智取威虎山The Taking of Tiger Mountain, a protracted,... [查看全文]
As a leading director of action films who’s adept at creating spellbinding visual effects, Tsui Hark surpris... [查看全文]
Pulled TV drama replays after removing revealing images《武媚娘传奇》复播:胸前瑞雪释,空留大头贴A Chinese television dr... [查看全文]
第72届电视电影金球奖(the 72nd annual Golden Globe Awards)已落下帷幕。颁奖季年度大热门《少年时代》提名5项斩获3奖成为最大赢家。... [查看全文]
Oscars 2015: A. O. Scott’s PicksA·O·斯科特的2015年奥斯卡之选For the major categories of the Oscars, the New ... [查看全文]
Oscars 2015: Stephen Holden’s Picks斯蒂芬·霍尔登的奥斯卡提名之选For the major categories of the Oscars, the New... [查看全文]