20 Shows to Watch2015第一季美剧精华目录When did winter become the season of television’s most distinguished con... [查看全文]
After a Tumultuous Year at the Box Office, Hollywood Looks to 2015好莱坞寄希望于2015年LOS ANGELES — The delay of... [查看全文]
Saluting Orson Welles《公民凯恩》修复版上映Film Forum toasts 2015, the centennial of Orson Welles’s birth, with... [查看全文]
‘Game of Thrones’ a Hit With Pirates, Too《权力的游戏》再度领衔美剧盗版排行榜Like the general television vi... [查看全文]
The Tech Changes, but Not the Crime汤唯王力宏出演好莱坞新片《骇客交锋》When the director Michael Mann began work on... [查看全文]
David Schwimmer, the Friends actor is set to play OJ pal-turned-defense attorney Robert Kardashian in FX’s A... [查看全文]
Are you sitting comfortably? Then let us begin. Once upon a time, there was a kindly old wizard whose only con... [查看全文]
Arts and Entertainment 艺术和娱乐榜1、Top 1 Movie 最佳电影Boyhood《少年时代》With this touching coming-of-age drama, wr... [查看全文]
Jennifer Lawrence is Forbes' top-grossing actor of 2014.在福布斯发布的2014收入最高演员榜单中,詹妮弗·劳伦斯高居榜首。T... [查看全文]
It's Christmas time on The Vampire Diaries, and Bonnie has reunited with Caroline and Elena!《吸血鬼日记》圣诞节... [查看全文]