In Gone With the Bullets, director Jiang Wen defines film asfollows: Movies are a kind of art to be commonly a... [查看全文]
Sony Pictures announced today that the game adaptation of the animated film angry bird (Angry Birds) will advance... [查看全文]
自从传出《甄嬛传》将推出英文版后,不少网友对此期待不已。该剧的主题曲《新生》(A New Day)MV首度曝光。一起跟随小编先听为快吧。美版... [查看全文]
How Does the Film Industry Actually Make Money?电影业究竟靠什么赚钱?I’ve been trying to come to terms with tw... [查看全文]
The Dark Side of a Digital Future《黑镜》圣诞特辑充满凶险与转折Picture, if you will, a world where our digital devi... [查看全文]
Sony Finds Allies in Google and Microsoft to Stream Movie索尼借线上渠道放映电影《采访》LOS ANGELES — With the help... [查看全文]
Sony’s ‘The Interview’ Will Come to Some Theaters After All刺杀金正恩电影圣诞节小范围公映LOS ANGELES ... [查看全文]
你有没有碰到过这种情况:他说的好有道理,我却无言以对……或者是这样的情况:这丫怎么如此KY(形容不会读懂气氛)瞪了半天白眼还没有闭嘴…... [查看全文]
性情刻薄、冷酷的守财奴埃比尼泽•斯克鲁奇(金•凯瑞 Jim Carrey 配音),在圣诞节来临之际,却厌恶一切庆祝活动,还拒绝了侄子... [查看全文]
James Franco and Seth Rogen Talk About ‘The Interview’活宝罗根与弗兰科谈《刺杀金正恩》In a previous film, ... [查看全文]