Fans who really wanted "How I Met Your Mother" to end a different way will get their wish on the show's s... [查看全文]
Bad news, "Glee" fans ... you'll be getting a little less music and drama this season.给喜欢《欢乐合唱团》的粉... [查看全文]
四月,一个春意盎然的季节,让我们和英剧一起约会!CCTV《风云剧场》海外剧风版块4月份特推出8部英剧,每晚22:00,三集连播。经典英剧的... [查看全文]
Saying sorry has never been so popular. 道歉从来没有这么火。 Chinese star Wen Zhang broke social media reco... [查看全文]
《行尸走肉》第四季已在3月31日完结,共吸引了1570万观众,打破了前一季1240万的季末集收视纪录。剧中瑞克的幸存团队长途跋涉至终点站... [查看全文]
"Helix" has been renewed for Season 2 on Syfy. The tense, mysterious series will return in 2015 with 13 new ep... [查看全文]
迪士尼动画大片《冰雪奇缘》近来可以说是好消息不断,继摘得奥斯卡最佳动画长片和最佳原创歌曲两个奖项之后,该片目前票房已经达到了10... [查看全文]
ABC is done playing Mind Games.这个《心理游戏》ABC电视台决定不玩了。Following five disappointing episodes, the network ... [查看全文]
Her new blockbuster movie has already generated criticism, some two weeks before its official release – ... [查看全文]
Just a little over a week before the Game of Thrones Season 4 premiere, HBO has made it pretty clear that... [查看全文]