The 2014 Academy Awards announced Tuesday morning that Idina Menzel will perform Frozen’s hit song Let It G... [查看全文]
"Orange Is the New Black" Season 2 has a premiere date: The dark comedy will return to Netflix on Friday, June... [查看全文]
《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)第五季将新增三个角色。Richard E. Grant将扮演Simon Bricker,他受到Grantham家族的邀请,以贵客的身... [查看全文]
Chinese Film 'Black Coal, Thin Ice' Wins Berlin Film Festival《白日焰火》夺得柏林电影节金熊奖The Chinese film ... [查看全文]
准备好和新老妈见面了嘛? 《寻爹记》(How I Met Your Dad)已经公布了他们的演员。 女演员格雷塔·葛韦格(Greta Gerwig)已经... [查看全文]
After a conspicuous and pride-busting absence from the three biggest European film festivals, Chinese movies staged... [查看全文]
据国外媒体报道,当地时间2月14日,现年26岁的女星艾伦 佩吉 Ellen Page 在拉斯维加斯的人权活动THRIVE上公开出柜,该活动旨在保障年轻... [查看全文]
A Conversation With Steven Moffat, a ‘Sherlock’ Co-Creator《神探夏洛克》主创谈夏洛克Steven Moffat is the co... [查看全文]
How Absolute Power Can Delight Absolutely《纸牌屋》第二季,阴郁剧情更加动人House of Cards may well be the most joyles... [查看全文]
1.There are two kinds of pain. The sort of pain that makes you strong... or useless pain...The sort of pain th... [查看全文]