Sheldon and Amy have one of the most unusual, yet entertaining relationships on television.在电视荧幕情侣中,Sheldon... [查看全文]
The thrill of the chase, the blood pumping through your veins, just the two of us against the rest of the wor... [查看全文]
Everybody loves Ellen -- especially the Oscars!人人都爱艾伦—尤其是奥斯卡!The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Scie... [查看全文]
《No Man's Land(无人区)》 宁浩这部黑色荒诞作品描绘的是处在极端阶段时人的动物本能,因审核而搁浅了四年后终于面市。眼尖... [查看全文]
No.10 《僵尸世界大战 World War Z》 原本快乐的气氛很快变为恐慌与死亡所替代,丧尸病毒业已蔓延全球。为了阻止世界毁灭,盖瑞... [查看全文]
张艺谋超生门事件曝光后,立即引发社会热议。1.6亿的巨额罚金是真是假?计生政策对于名人是否失效?这里,让我们一起来听听专家说法。Fam... [查看全文]
Eric Dane’s recently announced exit from Grey’s Anatomy may have caught fans by surprise, but creator ... [查看全文]
The September 26th opener will be called "Seal Our Fate." Gulp.《实习医生格蕾》第十季将会在9月26日首播,而且这一集的名字... [查看全文]
Kristen Stewart had a smile on her face as she reported to work on the Berlin set of her new film, Sils Mari... [查看全文]
Johnny Depp stirred up the U.K. press corps Monday, telling the BBC that he's "probably not too far away" f... [查看全文]