Turf逆天神作!2分钟起的太空步直接看呆了,之后的表演足以让你下巴落地。而背后的辛酸成长史更是令全美观众为之感动。 [查看全文]
Jennifer Aniston ordered Brad Pitt to leave their Beverly Hills home after he admitted that he was in love with... [查看全文]
Arguably one of the hottest couples in Hollywood was spotted biking together in the big apple!好莱坞争议颇大的明星... [查看全文]
13年前,电视剧《还珠格格》成为了90后一代成长历程中挥之不去的经典回忆。现今,继《红楼梦》之后,经典之作的翻拍( rehash)再次引起热议... [查看全文]
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2," the eighth and finale of the Harry Potter movies, is generatin... [查看全文]
10年,说长不长,说短不短,但是要让一个小囧娃长成一个大帅哥那是刚刚好的。以前看《哈利·波特》的时候看到那个脸胖胖、人傻傻的纳威会不会觉得有点煞风景?而在《哈7》最后一部中 [查看全文]
She's a top Hollywood actress, has dated some of the world's most desirable men and she is about to sta... [查看全文]
在电影《翻滚吧!阿信》中,曾一度出演偶像剧(idol drama)的彭于晏,颠覆了以往大众情人的形象,转型为气质型明星。他挑战的新角色,上映... [查看全文]
China's biggest companies have begun an ambitious campaign to advertise themselves abroad, popping up in Hollyw... [查看全文]
Inception 盗梦空间Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his partner Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) perform illegal corporat... [查看全文]