LOS ANGELES - Can Inception safely dream of Oscar glory? That's one conundrum that will linger long after average moviegoers have stopped debating the ambiguities of Christopher Nolan's twisty new thrill ride into the subconscious. The Acad [查看全文]
将于7.22登陆大银幕的《唐山大地震》是冯小刚第一部用Imax制式拍摄的影片。不过,这并非意味着该片是一部3D(立体)电影。在接受采访时,冯小刚特意声明:“《唐山大地震》是... [查看全文]
编辑点评:通过小编前几次的《绯闻女孩》第四季前沿报道,你是不是已经对这部剧的即将展开的情节无比期待了呢?BC会不会复合先不急,让我们先来欣赏S在巴黎的频繁换装,绝对让... [查看全文]
2010已经过去一半,该盘点上半年的美剧了。下面是对1到7月间十大热播剧的简要评点。 1. 《绝命毒师》(AMC)。在“打翻天”和“乐翻天”两者的结合上,... [查看全文]
Release Date: June 30, 2010 上映日期: 2010年6月30日 Genre: Romance/Terror/Action 影片类型:爱情/恐怖/动作 Producing Countries: US ... [查看全文]
Vampires and werewolves ruled at the box office this Fourth of July holiday weekend, with Summit Entertainment's third installment of 'The Twi... [查看全文]
Daniel Radcliffe is desperate to land a role in hit TV show Glee so he can show off his newly-acquired singing and danc... [查看全文]
Jude Law has been named the hottest father in a film. The 'Sherlock Holmes' star - who has four children of his own with ex-wife Sa... [查看全文]
It comes as no surprise that Julia Roberts, famed for her natural beauty, was chosen as the face of cosmetics giant Lanc?me. 在奥斯卡... [查看全文]
Why make one "Twilight" film when you can charge moviegoers to see two of them? "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn," the fourth movie in the... [查看全文]