本片段剧情:红桃皇后得知了爱丽丝回到仙境的消息,愤怒不已,命令手下一定要找到爱丽丝。爱丽丝被班纳毛怪追赶,弄伤了自己,柴郡猫遇到了她,帮助她包扎伤口。在得知眼前这 [查看全文]
精彩对白 Alice: Hamish, do you ever get tired of quadrille ? Hamish: On the contrary. I find it envigorating. Do I amuse you? Alice: No.I had a sudden vision. Off all the ladies in trousers and the men wearing dresses Hamish: It would b [查看全文]
本片段剧情:加菲猫(Garfield)被禁足,史密西(Smithee)发现王子失踪.... Jon: Then we stroll down the incredibly cultural Piccadilly. (laughs ) Garfield: Stroll? Jon: And then, boom, Carnaby Street. Liz: Aren't we abo [查看全文]
本片段剧情:由于老父病倒,贝丝在家忙得焦头烂额,她本来想叫妹夫们帮点忙,没想到一个个都只顾自己玩乐。这时,她听见厨房里传来声音 影片对白: Beth: Did any of you guys have a c [查看全文]
影片对白: Alex: Hey, thanks for staying and helping me clean up . I really gotta go to bed, though. Gigi: Is that an invitation? Alex: What? Gigi: Oh, God, that was cheesy . Oh, I'm not good at this. Alex: What? (Gigi jumps upon Alex [查看全文]
本片段剧情:艾利克斯给琪琪安排了一次相亲,但由于艾利克斯记错了时间,所以相亲对象没有出现。在酒吧里,艾利克斯这位情场老手对男女恋爱心理的精准拿捏让琪琪叹为观止 影片 [查看全文]
影片对白: Alex: Look, you seem like a cool girl, so I'm just gonna be honest with you. Conor's never gonna call you. Gigi: Oh, really. How do you know? Alex: Because I'm a guy, and it's just how we do it. Gigi: He said it was nice mee [查看全文]
影片对白: Neil: Hey. That look straight to you? Beth: Why are you hanging that? Neil: Because you asked me to about three weeks ago. I'm getting around to it. Why? You don't want it here? Beth: No, I love it there. But just stop. Neil [查看全文]
影片对白: Janine: Okay, so clearly he hasn't called. Maybe he's away on business. Gigi: He sells real estate. In Baltimore. Staying in town is his business. Janine: Right. Well, look, let me tell you. After I went out with Ben for the [查看全文]
精彩对白 Wilson: Oh my god, what's happening out there? Adrian: Anheuser convinced the other heads of state to launch. Mr. Anheuser.We have to stop this madness. Make sure the other bridges can see me. Anheuser: What do you think you're [查看全文]