影片对白 Sean: How are you? Where you from in Southie? Will: l like what you've done with the place. Sean: Oh, thanks. Will: Do you buy all these books retail, or do you send away for, like, a shrink kit that comes with all these volume [查看全文]
影片对白 Will: There is a lengthy legal precedent, Your Honor, going back to 1789, whereby a defendant can claim self-defense against an agent of the government if that act is deemed a defense against tyranny, a defense of liberty. Your [查看全文]
影片对白: Gerald Lambeau: Mod f-x-square, d-x . So please finish Percival for next time. I know many of you had this as undergraduates, but it won't hurt to brush up . Thank you, Steven. I also put an advanced Fourier system on the ma [查看全文]
本片段剧情: 汉密尔顿帮助寄宿在自己家中的大块头迈克尔奥赫转学到一所新的学校,但由于入学测试成绩非常糟,在教练布特科顿的一再坚持下,学校才答应留下他。他来到新的班级 [查看全文]
剧情简介 赖斯特班罕住在一个典型的美国小镇,他在面临中年危机时,突然对自己的生活感得不满,他和太太卡洛琳的性生活不协调,他和女儿小珍的关系陷入冷战,他在公司的职位危 [查看全文]
剧情简介 楚门(金凯瑞 Jim Carrey 饰)是一个平凡得不能再平凡的人,除了一些有些稀奇的经历之外初恋女友突然失踪、溺水身亡的父亲忽然似乎又出现在眼前,他和绝大多数30多岁的美 [查看全文]
剧情简介 莉碧帕森斯和丈夫尼克在一次浪漫的周末上船共度良宵,但尼克却突然从甲板上消失了,而她被指控为杀害尼克的凶手。在狱友玛格丽特和艾沃琳的帮助下她发现了丈夫的阴谋 [查看全文]
剧情简介 奥唐奈尔扮演一个单身汉。他一直盼望在33岁生日那天继承一亿两千万美元遗产。可是,直到这个大喜日子的前夜,他才得知继承权中有一条款他必须结婚才能得到这笔梦寐以 [查看全文]
剧情简介 威廉.萨克(休.格兰特饰)住在伦敦西部的诺丁山,拥有一家惨淡经营的旅游书店。生意萧条的他,还要忍受行为怪异、不修边幅的室友斯派克。自从离婚后,他的爱情生活也 [查看全文]
影片对白 Maya: So, what areyou guys up to tonight? Miles: Oh, we're pretty wiped. You know I think we're just gonna go back to the motel and crash. Maya: Yeah, I guess it's kind of a long drive up here. Miles: Mmm. Maya: Where are you s [查看全文]