现代社会,大概每个人的衣橱里都有几条牛仔裤压阵。容易穿着、好打理、百搭,牛仔裤就是这么惹人爱。不过,这些年,有些商家似乎已经不能满... [查看全文]
Do: Give people gifts that they want.必送:对方想要的礼物A study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Ps... [查看全文]
时尚界永远不缺少创意和话题。今年的新年派对,你敢不敢涂上闪光舌头,戴上美鼻神器,头顶精灵短发,身贴花卉文身,粘上羽毛眉步入会场?还... [查看全文]
Time magazine has named "The Silence Breakers," representing people who came forward to report sexual misconduct, ... [查看全文]
SHANGHAI — He Junwei traveled about 100 miles on a high-speed train to wait an hour for a cup of coffee.上海... [查看全文]
It’s the biggest study to ever document how people react to alcohol, mood-wise. Researchers used data from ... [查看全文]
Match your shoes and belt when dressing formally.着正装时鞋子和皮带必须搭配。When it comes to formal events, matching... [查看全文]
你可曾羡慕过那些拥有蓝色眼睛的人?如果有机会让眼睛永远变成蓝色,你愿意吗?美国加州的一家医学公司推出了一项新激光手术,只需20秒就可以... [查看全文]
自从有了智能手机和微信,无论是吃饭、逛街、看电影、旅行,很多妹子总想把美美哒瞬间记录下来,分享到朋友圈。然而,面对镜头,我们往往不... [查看全文]
Handset with diamonds, yellow sapphires and blue topaz in 18 karat gold, the jewels are set into a Victoria&rsqu... [查看全文]