Concerns over weak demand for the new iPhone 8 sent Apple shares down by the most in two months on Thursday, ... [查看全文], China’s biggest internet retailer by revenue, is launching a standalone luxury ecommerce platform to ... [查看全文]
甜食里的那种口味最百搭?小编觉得那必然是巧克力啊。糖可以吃腻,但各种口味、各种浓度的巧克力怎么也吃不腻。不过,吃过那么多巧克力之后... [查看全文]
女性强奸案频发是令印度政府头疼的大问题,为帮助女性保护自己,18岁的印度高中生西达尔特•曼达拉(Siddharth Mandala)发明了一种电击... [查看全文]
During July’s Couture Week in Paris, when high jewellers present their newest creations, one maison’s c... [查看全文]
小小商标也可以成为保护环境的突破口。Ecobranding公司将星巴克、麦当劳等知名品牌的商标设计稍作修改,保留每个商标精华的同时,减少墨水... [查看全文]
据英国《每日邮报》报道,最近,德国巴伐利亚州弗里德里希-亚历山大大学(Friedrich-Alexander University)的一项研究显示,脸部较宽的女性... [查看全文]
When it comes to describing food, fashion or culture in Tokyo, fans often find themselves using superlatives. And... [查看全文]
Jeans.牛仔裤。When my great-grandparents were growing up, jeans were only worn by poor people and labourers. It wa... [查看全文]
Do you remember when trouser-skirts were all the rage in the 90s?你记得90年代风靡一时的裙裤吗?Women and girls would... [查看全文]