什么?选发型不但要看脸型和发质,还要看星座?没错,每个星座的女人都有自己最适合的发型,一起来对号入座吧!Aries 白羊座Those born und... [查看全文]
当父母的通常会有这样的烦恼,孩子长得太快,衣服裤子很快就穿不下了,明明还很新却只能扔掉。如果有能够随意变大变小的服装就好了。现在,... [查看全文]
French luxury groups LVMH and Kering have committed to stop using ultra-thin and underage models, in response to... [查看全文]
We all have our own idea of what the perfect smile should look like, whether we show a mouthful of pearly whi... [查看全文]
2017年维密秀将在中国上海举办,并于美国时间11月28日在CBS播出。14位维密天使将出席大秀,目前61名模特确认上秀。今年也是维密史上亚裔模... [查看全文]
When is a shoe not just a shoe?在什么情况下,鞋子不仅仅意味着鞋子?When it is a pair of very high, needle-thin heel... [查看全文]
Ask any beauty lover in the West which item on their *nightstand they couldn’t go without, and it’s ... [查看全文]
减肥最好的办法莫过于少吃多运动,但是对于一些缺乏意志力的人来说,这实在太难了。如果告诉他们,只要多多的睡觉就可以减肥,显然比任何减... [查看全文]
Mr. Xu, who grew up in Queens, N.Y., cited Wong Kar-wai films, Christopher Doyle cinematography, Fan Ho photograp... [查看全文]
还记得世界第一款蓝色葡萄酒吗?事实上,就因为这款蓝色葡萄酒卖得太好了,西班牙的葡萄酒厂商争先酿造各种美丽颜色的葡萄酒,现在不但有深... [查看全文]