拒绝约见回函 Dear David: I am very sorry to tell you that it will not be possible for us to meet during you... [查看全文]
要求推荐客户 Dear Sirs, We have been leading importers and exporters of cottons and woolen piece goods for ... [查看全文]
通过自荐信建立商务关系 Gentlemen: You were recommended to us by the Citibank,which told us that you are a prospe... [查看全文]
参观展位后要求建立贸易关系 Gentlemen, I visited your stall at the Spring Guangzhou Fair,2006 and noticed that you... [查看全文]
要求推荐客户 Dear Sirs, We have been leading importers and exporters of cottons and woolen piece goods for thes... [查看全文]
咨询信 Dear Susan, Hoping that all is well and that your business is flourishing daily I’m planning to att... [查看全文]
亲抵进行业务调查 Gentlemen: The writer is leaving for Japan on a business research trip very shortly and exp... [查看全文]
为商贸指南征集广告 Thank you for your business. You are currently represented in our directory.This is the on... [查看全文]
向老客户推销新产品 Dear Sirs, I enclose an illustrated supplement to our catalogue.It covers the latest ?desig... [查看全文]
向老客户推销新产品 Dear Sirs, I enclose an illustrated supplement to our catalogue.It covers the latest ?desig... [查看全文]