有关当局发现制药厂用地沟油制药后,已经开始采取应对措施。国家食品药品监管局希望国内制药公司仔细检查原料来源,绝不能让有害物质混入... [查看全文]
It is said that the price of the summer educational travel conducted by EFL is much higher than the market pr... [查看全文]
那些期待在网络销售大战中买到低价家用电器的顾客可要失望了,因为只有一部分的产品真正比之前降价了。 总部位于北京的京东商城率先发... [查看全文]
21. 说明质地Texture As usual, please use the 70-pound bond paper with matte finish./请用和 以往一样的70磅亚光文件纸。... [查看全文]
20. 说明金钱Money After switching jobs, his monthly salary jumped from RMB 20,000yuan to RMB 30,000 yuan./换工作... [查看全文]
19. 说明数字Number 面积My garden is about 30 feet long and 20 feet wide./我的花园长约30英 尺,宽约20英尺。The centra... [查看全文]
18. 说明数量QuantityCould you call the restaurant and make a reservation for 12 people?/你能打电话给那家餐厅预订12个... [查看全文]
17. 说明距离DistanceI live roughly 5 kilometers from the CBD./我住的地方距中央商务区大约有五公里。It'll take us just o... [查看全文]
16. 说明时间Time时间I heard your flight was delayed by over 5 hours./我听说您的飞机晚点了五个多小时。If we leave at ... [查看全文]
15. 比较数据DataIt's the fourth most expensive city in the world./这是排在全球第四位的生活最昂贵的城市。It's the second... [查看全文]