包装(三)We agree to use cartons for outer packing.我们同意用纸箱做外包装。Could you use cardboard boxes?你们用硬纸板箱... [查看全文]
包装(二)What do you think of the packing for fireworks?您认为礼花怎样包装?The packings are in good (bad) order.包装... [查看全文]
包装(一)The next thing I’d like to bring up for discussion is packing.下面我想提出包装问题讨论一下。We’d l... [查看全文]
1. [horrible] The little girl has a ( ) of snakesand spiders. 2. [intimate] The ( ) with which the t... [查看全文]
找出一个与其它三个不相关的单词.1. a.compliment b.commendation c.approachd.praise2. a.attend b.draw c.haul d.drag3. a.candi... [查看全文]
PART FOURQuestions 21 -35. Read this advertisement.. Choose the best word to fill each gap.. For each question (... [查看全文]
完整拼出下列句中空格处的单词,注意:是完整拼出.1. Although he was a f( )e at school, he became a successful man la... [查看全文]
找出与中括号内单词意义相近的单词.1. Steam can [generate] electricity by turning an electric generator.a.change b.produce... [查看全文]
评分标准 每篇作文都需要给印象分。总体印象分要参照每项任务的完成情况。具体的评分标准包括内容、组织、语域、格式和对目标读者的影响... [查看全文]
准备下半年初级考试的同学,各方面都应该准备起来了。口语方面更是如此。那先从积累口语词汇开始吧! [查看全文]