Report writing Ex 4: Sample answer: (235words)Reassessment of job satisfaction: SuePearson(PR Dept.)IntroductionThis r... [查看全文]
3. C deadline l by l before l until stress management, time management, prioritise tasks, put some... [查看全文]
学习重点 1. Speaking---forms of communication 2. Reading --- Is your English too English 3. Leaving voice... [查看全文]
Para. 6 form the basis of monthly review review [countable] a report on a series of events or a perio... [查看全文]
学习重点 1. Text: No longer poles apart 2. Arranging a course 3. Vocabulary consolidation 4. Memo writ... [查看全文]
句子填空:弄清逻辑上的衔接 这部分对我国考生而言有很高的难度,因为它考查了中国人说话写文章最缺少严密的逻辑性。西文,尤其是商... [查看全文]
■搭配题: 抓住中心和基本点 5篇100字左右的小短文,8个选项,选择出各个选项属于哪篇短文论述的内容。这部分主要是考查考生迅速... [查看全文]
商务英语中级的阅读,难度不小。表现为(1)题型丰富。商务英语的阅读题型很具有特色,不同于英语四、六级,甚至与雅思、托福的阅读题型... [查看全文]
The Finland Trade Center Marcus Moberg does things differently and he likes it that way. At 63, he has a... [查看全文]
Is there any place in the world’s biggest and fastest-growing industry for someone starting up in busine... [查看全文]