In the last few years, managers throughout industry have seen more changes than many of them could have expe... [查看全文]
The Finland Trade CenterMarcus Moberg does things differently and he likes it that way. At 63, he has a range ... [查看全文]
Is there any place in the world’s biggest and fastest-growing industry for someone starting up in business ... [查看全文]
The Reading Test has six parts testing various reading skills.PartInputTask1Five 90 word textsMatching sentences wit... [查看全文]
1.增补(Addition) in addition, furthermore, again, also, besides, moreover, what`s more, similarly, next, finally... [查看全文]
As the price of higher education continues to rise through a shaky economic recovery, fewer Americans are conside... [查看全文]
阅读理解在考研英语中占了40分,所谓得阅读者得天下。重要性自不待言,但是阅读理解的得分率非常低。原因何在?笔者认为:生词过多导致... [查看全文]
Water appears as a waterfall inside special wall panels at this zen-influenced McDonald's in Hacienda Heigh... [查看全文]
Nothing great was ever achieved with out enthusiasm. ——Ralph Waldo Emerson We've all had to work and ... [查看全文]
封面文章:中东石油带来新运气 内容导读:中东国家的油井不断的喷出石油,在这些石油一桶桶的运向海外换来美金的同时,阿拉伯酋长们... [查看全文]