There is a commonly held view that the only way to get (0) decent pay increase is to move on: to go out int... [查看全文]
In the last few years, managers throughout industry have seen more changes than many of them could have expected... [查看全文]
1. Shareholders seemed to have a final say in top management.2. This news suggests bitter competition between com... [查看全文]
1. You are free to choose when you will begin and end your workday.2. You should provide the names of two peo... [查看全文]
口语部分:Part1:1.what's your name, do you work or are you a student, what do you like most in your work or... [查看全文]
以下阅读部分答案是考友提供,仅供参考,欢迎大家交流! 参考一: 我回忆的阅读第一到第三部分的答案,还有简单的依据。 考完试看到大家都在努力找答案,我也好好想了一下,就想起 [查看全文]
许多企业发展到一定得程度,总会面临一些新的成长挑战,并且在应对的过程中不免走许多弯路。今天我们就来跟随作者Andrew Campbell去了解麦当劳曾经走过的弯路。 [查看全文]
看惯了我们中国作者分析中国出口面临的挑战和挫折,今天我们看看德国作者怎么以他们的角度出发阐述应付中国挑战之策。本文作者是赫尔曼西蒙,咨询公 司Simon-Kucher Partners董事长兼创始人 [查看全文]
国家统计局发布了2010中国GDP增速,今天商务链接为大家准备了这一方面的最新文章。商务英语考试虽然不会涉及宏观的经济题目,但是为了能听懂经济类的新闻,了解国家经济动态和外媒评价,我们还是要一起学习其中地道的表达。读文章时,注意增长和降低的不同表达方式,为以后BEC作文考试的图表描述打好基础。 Fears that the Chinese economy is overheating mounted after official figures r [查看全文]
接着上次的,再做一篇吧! [查看全文]