找出与中括号内单词意义相反的单词.1. [evident] a.firm b.ambiguous c.excellent d.plain2. [demand] a.direct b.command c.requ... [查看全文]
1. He is the only w( )s of the accident. 证人2. I saw him t( )t the tent pole into the ground. 插入3. Aspir... [查看全文]
6. Your friendship is most [precious] to me.a.firm b.evident c.rude d.valuable7. We heard a wolf [howl] near the... [查看全文]
1. We could see the [blaze] of a cheerful fire through the window.a.pitch b.rage c.fury d.flames2. My parents wi... [查看全文]
Unit 5Company organizationPresenting the company1. Listening Listen to the presentation about Rossomon Plc. As you ... [查看全文]
Exercises从a-j中选出合适的应答填在(1)-(10)处,完成下列对话。答案可以不止一个。1.A:I'm afraid I've forgotten the form... [查看全文]
Is Your Company Really Market-driven?We now know that being customer-oriented is only part of what it means to b... [查看全文]
David Lloyd Leisure PLCIf you had considered where to invest your money ten years ago, the leisure industry migh... [查看全文]
对话4A:你呆的时间长吗?B;不长,真遗憾,只呆两周。A:出差还是旅游?B:很可惜,是来出差的。我们公司想在东京设一个办事处。A;是吗?公司... [查看全文]
Dialogue 4( ) Scotland. This time of year it's pretty cold.( ) A bit warmer than back home.( ) Well, if y... [查看全文]