When he woke early the next morning, he was still on the sofa, and the television was turned off, and he wa... [查看全文]
He had started crying then, not loudly, not steadily, but crying nonetheless. JB, Jude said again, his voice... [查看全文]
His friends hated Jackson, and as it became clear that Jackson and his own group of friends—lonely rich girls... [查看全文]
And then, with each year, they abandoned him further. He had always known he would be the first among the fo... [查看全文]
THE LAST TIME JB tried—really tried—to stop doing drugs, it was Fourth of July weekend. No one else was in... [查看全文]
“But Jude,” Malcolm had begun, and then stopped. He knew what Malcolm wanted to say: But you have been. And... [查看全文]
“No, Willem, of course not. I’m just guessing. From my vast experience with women, you know.”“没有,威廉,当... [查看全文]
“Richard,” he said, “I’d love to. But how much are you charging?”“理查德,”他说,“我很愿意,不过你打算收多少... [查看全文]
“It’s not real,” said Richard, watching him look at the honeycomb. “I made it from wax.”“那不是真的,”理查... [查看全文]
“I’m sorry, Harold,” he said. Harold said nothing. “You’re so angry at me,” he murmured.“对不起,哈罗德。”... [查看全文]