“I agree,” says Harold, picking up the statue and holding it in his hands. He strokes the figure’s pleated... [查看全文]
He can feel Harold looking at him. Thank you, he says, at last. Thank you. He can’t seem to say anyt... [查看全文]
“Obviously, you shouldn’t feel obligated to come,” he added, hastily, after inviting Andy to the court date.... [查看全文]
He finished the last tie and brought himself to his feet, Harold deliberately not helping him. I don’t... [查看全文]
He didn’t know what it was—maybe it was just the calmness of Andy’s voice, the steadiness with which he ma... [查看全文]
“But I honestly don’t know!”“我真的不知道啊!” “The things I’ve done,” he said, “the diseases I have fro... [查看全文]
That night he had his first tantrum in years, and although the punishment here was the same, more or less,... [查看全文]
Don’t fuck this up, St. Francis, he said. This is your chance, do you hear me?你他妈的别搞砸了,圣弗朗西... [查看全文]
“I mean, it’s not common, but you can. As long as both parties consent. It’s mostly done for purposes of ... [查看全文]
He lowered himself to the sofa, and Harold to the chair to his left, and Julia to the squashed suzani-covered... [查看全文]