Tribute to New York City Firefighters颂歌献给纽约消防队员 There are no words to express what we all feel for... [查看全文]
虽然导致不平等的原因很多,但我们可以大体上把它们分为三类。一类是社会条件或家庭出身,例如在中国,与出生于贫困农村的人们相比,一个出... [查看全文]
从1750年以来,世界进行了四次工业革命:第一次就是英国工业革命,中国失去了机会。第二次是十九世纪下半叶美国的工业革命,中国也同样失去... [查看全文]
American mythology loves nothing more than the reluctant hero: the man -- it is usually a man -- whose natural... [查看全文]
For beginner exercisers, mirrors can be daunting," she said. Martin Ginis suggested gyms provide areas withou... [查看全文]
Perfectionists can waste just as much time as procrastinators . Thomas R. Williams,former chairman of Wachovia... [查看全文]
I know my children are going to encounter hardship, and I’m praying they won’t be naive. There&rsq... [查看全文]
I’ve written eight books. Four have been published and three are still out with the publishers. One sti... [查看全文]
I’ve written eight books. Four have been published and three are still out with the publishers. One sti... [查看全文]
Indeed, just take China as example; Our modern life has been influenced by Western style of living, in so m... [查看全文]