英译汉1:中加贸易感谢主席 chairman 邀请我在今天午餐会luncheon上演讲。跟大家分享我的三个观点以扩大大家对本次会议召开的背景context... [查看全文]
高级口译评分标准1) Wording Accuracy2) Phrase Accuracy3) Paraphrasing NativenessSwallowing small companies, the big medi... [查看全文]
SECTION 3: TRANSLATION TESTAmerican mythology loves nothing more than thereluctant hero: the man -- it is usually... [查看全文]
掌握常用速记符号和方法对于口译考生,笔者推荐以下几类:A.保留大写字母或第一音节经济:E 教育:Edu 文化:C 政治:P 科技:ST 卫生... [查看全文]
swoopSudden attack or raidDrug swoop in MayfairtalksdiscussionPeace talks threatenedthwartTo prevent from being succes... [查看全文]
plungeSteep fallDollar plungespoisedReady for actionBolivian workers poised to strikepollElection, public opinion surve... [查看全文]
Go-aheadApprovalGo-ahead for dearer gasgripTo take hold ofCholera fear grips JapangunmanMan with gunGunman raids 3 b... [查看全文]
accordagreementWages accord reachedaidto helpMan aids policeairto make known, broadcastTV airs facts on Arms Delivery... [查看全文]