What is the worst thing you have heard about our firm?你听到的与本公司有关的最负面的事是什么?Your company has a repu... [查看全文]
How do you feel about working for a small company?你怎样看待在小公司工作?I always wanted to work for a small comp... [查看全文]
What do you look for in the job?你想从这份工作中得到什么?I look for challenges,opportunities to grow professionally ... [查看全文]
What do you think it takes to be successful in this position?你认为要做好这份工作,什么是不可或缺的?I believe extensi... [查看全文]
What qualifications do you have that relate to the position?你拥有哪些与这个职位相关的资质?I have 14 years of experi... [查看全文]
Describe the best job you ever had.请描述一下你所做过的最好的一份工作。I enjoyed all the jobs I've had,but if I... [查看全文]
Describe a typical day in your job请描述你工作中有代表性的一天As soon as I get to work,I check my e-mail.一上班我就... [查看全文]
What was your last employer's opinion of you?上一个雇主对你的评价如何?My last boss said I was an extremely accu... [查看全文]
Can you name three accomplishments you are most proud for?你能举出三项最令你自豪的成绩吗?Yes,from when I worked for ... [查看全文]
What have you learned from your past jobs?从过去的工作中你学到了什么?I learned that most employers are looking for ... [查看全文]