1. Work ethic. Make sure to weave your thoughts about how important the company's mission and vision are... [查看全文]
应届生也好,跳槽另觅高就也罢,求职者谁也逃不掉面试这一关!面试的技巧千千万万,行为面试的要点是讲好故事;饭局面试的要点是餐桌礼仪... [查看全文]
"Tell Me About Yourself" is the most popular way for hiring managers to start most one-on-one job interviews;... [查看全文]
First impressions are everything, so if you're shy by nature, you need to break out of your shell if yo... [查看全文]
Q:Would you consider a switch in careers at this point in your life? 你现在有改变职业的打算吗? A:Possibly. ... [查看全文]
Q:How do you go about making important decisions? 你是如何做出重大决定的呢? A:I evaluate my options, laying ... [查看全文]
Q:If we offer you a position and you accept it, how soon thereafter can you begin to work? 给你一个愿意接... [查看全文]
Q:How long will you stay with the company? 你计划在我公司工作多久? A:As long as I continue to learn and d... [查看全文]
Q:How much thought have you given to your future? 英语面试题:关于你的未来你想过多少? A:I think about my fut... [查看全文]
Q:Why are you interested in this job? 你为何对这个工作感兴趣? A:Because it offers everything I've been l... [查看全文]