Lesson1 杰克和玛丽在谈论各自的求职意向 英语情景对话 Jack: Hi, Mary, what kind of jobs do you want to do? ... [查看全文]
面试时为何要问这些问题?Pre-interview question to ask yourself: How much do I know about this company?首先问问自己:我... [查看全文]
如何把握住问题的要点,猜透老外老板的问题,给出漂亮的回答,是面试的重要环节。来自EF英孚教育Career Service部总监及资深职业规划... [查看全文]
你想在英语(Q吧)面试中给面试官留下一个非常好的印象吗?首先要听懂对方的问题。为了避免误解面试官的问题,我们为你准备了一张问题清单... [查看全文]
1、What percentage of the world's water is contained in a cow? Come on answer... We're waiting... This is... [查看全文]
Faced with one pointed question after the next regarding your career, a job interview can quickly take on the f... [查看全文]
面试可能问的问题: 你教了几年书? How long have you been teaching? I have been teaching for... 有教小学的经... [查看全文]
Why aren't you earning more at your age?你为什么不在这个年纪多赚一点?I work for a small company.我在一家小公司工作... [查看全文]