A:What are you typing there?A:你在那里打些什么东西?B:l’m working on my resume.B:我正在做一份简历。A:Really? Did ... [查看全文]
A:l called about that ad we saw in the paper.A:我打电话去询问那个我们在报上看到的广告了。B:For the bank manager?B:那... [查看全文]
"I am always surprised how some interviewees tend to trail off towards the end of an interview instead of finis... [查看全文]
During a job interview, usually towards the end of the interview, you will be asked if you have any questions.... [查看全文]
面试的第一步,一般都是做一个一分钟的自我介绍,根据公司不同,有时候也会要求做一分半钟、三分钟、五分钟的自我介绍;外企或与外语关... [查看全文]
A:Hi, George. I,m going to have a job interview next week. Could you give me some advice? A:嗨,乔治。我... [查看全文]
面试英语实用口语句子大全第一部分获取信息第一小节,关于招聘广告常用英语口语句子。 英译Job-hunting Advertisement 关于招聘... [查看全文]
During a job interview, usually towards the end of the interview, you will be asked if you have any questions.... [查看全文]
These interview tips cover all the basics you need to know to ace a job interview.下面给大家介绍的10个面试小贴士,... [查看全文]
My manager had a good combination of professionalism andthe personal touch. Having risen from an entry-level emplo... [查看全文]