It's been a jolly bad week for that most traditional of office pastimes — gossiping. First came a survey s... [查看全文]
As students jam job fairs to grasp final opportunities before graduation, some find themselves befuddled about a ... [查看全文]
1. What does the parking lot look like?这家公司的停车场怎么样?Start by assessing the parking lot. Are there reserve... [查看全文]
Don't assume bad intentions.不要用恶意揣测别人"I believe that we should be extremely careful and never assume ba... [查看全文]
Question: I work in a major city. The suburb where I live is not that far away as the crow flies, but the h... [查看全文]
1. Black: Leadership黑色:领袖型Black can be seen as unapproachable, but if you wear it correctly, it can also co... [查看全文]
A staggering 80 per cent of us would prefer to unearth their perfect partner at work, a new study has revealed... [查看全文]
How 'Power Poses' Can Help Your CareerCan how you stand or sit affect your success?New research shows pos... [查看全文]
用电话同外商交谈时,只能听到对方的声音而看不到对方的表情和姿态。因此,要想结束同他们的电话交谈,要记住一些惯用的表达辞句,来表是你... [查看全文]
放弃完美主义,给自己留些时间……要想成为一位成功的女性,需要养成哪些好习惯呢?These 10 habits of highly successful women ran... [查看全文]