Sharing too Much will Ruin Your Career!喜欢分享?这不足以为奇,分享是人类的共性,并且在某种程度上说,是个不错的有点。许多人都... [查看全文]
1. Possessing Poor People SkillsA little likeability can go a long way. Studies by both the Harvard Business Rev... [查看全文]
Job Searching for Graduates in Different Countries面对就业难,各国毕业生如何面对?随着毕业的到来,无数中国大学生也面临着就业... [查看全文]
A firm handshake is key to interview success研究揭示握手有力是面试成功秘诀As any serious job-hunter knows, it helps ... [查看全文]
1. Using a generic cover letter.使用千篇一律的求职信If you're not customizing your letter for the company you... [查看全文]
Here's the problem with social media: It's turned everyone into his (or her) own personal PR agent.社交媒... [查看全文]
【面试方】1)Why do you want to leave your present job and join us?你为什么要辞去现在的工作来我们这里?2)What&0#39;s the... [查看全文]
I've sent my résumé to over 150 companies but I'm not getting any bites, complained a job h... [查看全文]
"Responsible", "creative" and "strategic" are just some of Linkedin’s most overused words in users’ prof... [查看全文]
1. Social Media Marketing社会媒体营销2. Mobile Development移动数据开发3. Cloud and Distributed Computing云计算与分布式计... [查看全文]