Four tips for negotiating a new tech job在科技行业谈待遇的四个技巧So you have a job offer. Congrats.听说你获得了一个... [查看全文]
Communication is an essential part of work and home life. Understanding how to be a good communicator can be an... [查看全文]
When things get busy, we all have tasks we put off. Sometimes items end up delayed out of necessity. If you a... [查看全文]
Your lunch hour is your chance to get refocused, reenergized, and refueled for the rest of your day. Successful... [查看全文]
1. Here's what I've got.这是我已经能做的。You’ll notice this isn’t "Here’s what I know". You... [查看全文]
Being in charge has its perks: More money, more control, more power. And apparently, more job satisfaction.On Thu... [查看全文]
一、书面胜于口头(written is always better than oral)你做过什么,要去做什么,需要别人做什么,写邮件发出去,以后起争执了就是证... [查看全文]
Get physical.锻炼身体Moving your body with regular exercise before, after or during work, especially outdoors, helps... [查看全文]
Ever feel as if, in the quest to get everything done, you're not quite doing enough?有没有这种感觉,你想把每件... [查看全文]
It's the question we all dread.这是一个我们所有人都不敢直视的问题。Sometimes it comes up in the first interview, ... [查看全文]