It's normal to want to promote yourself and take credit where it's due.工作中,想推销自己并受到老板的赏识是正... [查看全文]
1. Settle for 80%1、80%足矣Perfection isn’t the key to success. Believing this could put your business in je... [查看全文]
In its survey, which included 2,201 respondents, CareerBuilder asked hiring managers and human resource professional... [查看全文]
1. You're a Bill Clinton.你是克林顿。Politicians have to be political. (Wow, that was obvious.)政治家必须玩儿政治... [查看全文]
1.Anticipate your department's needs.预判你所在部门的需要。"Being a reliable source for your department leader and... [查看全文]
Here are some productivity hacks for ridding your work life of all those pesky distractions:以下是使你工作摆脱恼人干... [查看全文]
Rule No. 1: Unsubscribe.规则1:取消订阅。Most people sign up for newsletters with the best of intentions. But there... [查看全文]
Here are some strategies I try to use:下面是一些我会用到的方法:1. Offer meaningful compliments.说一些有意义的赞美。Emph... [查看全文]
If you’re sending out rsums and not getting many calls to interview, there’s a good chance that your... [查看全文]
你以为面试时综合素质够就行了吗?细节(如迟到、着装不当)一样可以把你关在心仪公司的大门外。所以面试前要看准备工作是不是都做好了,面试... [查看全文]