Setting yourself apart from the crowd is vital when you are looking for that new job. This applies for all sta... [查看全文]
By Dawn Rosenberg McKay求职不容易,在经历了投简历、多次面试之后,公司向你抛出了橄榄枝。但是切记,不要急于接受工作。你该考虑这份... [查看全文]
1. Send a memo to Bob, asking him if it’s okay for you to take two whole weeks together, and informing ... [查看全文]
Get in earlier早些到If you're not too tired, then go into work an hour earlier to get a headstart on catchi... [查看全文]
1. Embrace change vs. Fear change1. 接受改变 vs. 惧怕改变Embracing change is one of the hardest things a person ... [查看全文]
投诉邮件的写作中,我们需要根据事态的严重程度选择合适的语气和态度,这样的选择就体现在措辞中。首先,如果问题是第一次出现,那么你大可... [查看全文]
In order to survive, spies have to be really good at their jobs.为了生存,特工必须在工作中表现得非常出色。They're... [查看全文]
Setting yourself apart from the crowd is vital when you are looking for that new job. This applies for all sta... [查看全文]
If you don't have faith in yourself and your business, you will most likely fail. If you don't have unw... [查看全文]
About that big, glaring gap in your employment history求职时如何合理解释失业经历Dear Annie:After almost 30 years in ... [查看全文]