You've dished it out before, and you've taken it.你肯定说过下面列出的某句话,而且曾承受过它所带来的伤害。• "... [查看全文]
The nonsense phrases used by bosses not only leave workers confused, they make them angry too.老板说的一些废话不仅... [查看全文]
职场口语中公认的一个难点就是向老板提加薪。不要说用英文求加薪了,就是用中文来讲,也有很多技巧和要领要知道。今天就来告诉你加薪时如何... [查看全文]
1. They're realistic.1. 做事切合实际。People who are chronically late underestimate how long it will take them ... [查看全文]
1.There is no certainty, only opportunity.V for Vendetta (2005) - V (Hugo Weaving)没有一定会怎样,只有可能会怎样。--《... [查看全文]
对不起,交通太捉急了。计划提前10分钟到达,同样要留出多余时间排除因交通或天气引起的迟到。You must have a hard copies of your... [查看全文]
CareerCast has released their annual Jobs Rated 2014: Ranking 200 Jobs From Best to Worst. Since 1988, this repo... [查看全文]
Here are five steps to complaining about a co-worker that will help you get the results you want – withou... [查看全文]
Dear Annie: Your column about staying in one's current job (for now) struck a chord with me, because I too... [查看全文]
How to get appreciated by your boss? 老板凭啥提拔你:如何得到老板赏识 Do your job, and do it well 做你的... [查看全文]