久坐办公会带来诸多健康隐患,而Deskcise Pro能完美解决这个问题。它既是一款站立式书桌,又是一款健身单车。桌面和座位都可移动,还可以... [查看全文]
Chinese glass factory employee Wang Wei’s income nearly tripled in the past decade, as double-digit annual w... [查看全文]
一项针对职业满意度的最新研究表明,员工到达35岁后,会迅速厌倦职场。他们有些人认为在工作中难以获得成就感,有些则难以找到工作与生活的... [查看全文]
Paul Campbell greets me warmly and guides me to a corner table, allowing the waitress to take our coffee order... [查看全文]
It’s a popular myth (误传) that once high school graduates pass gaokao and enter university, they can rest... [查看全文]
I arrived at the Internapalooza in San Francisco last month with no idea what a palooza actually was. Wading in... [查看全文]
LOS ANGELES — During a recent practice, Claire Liu sent an easy forehand sailing to the fence beyond the basel... [查看全文]
在面试中最糟糕的情况之一就是让面试官觉得你很不礼貌。这里有11种听起来特别无礼,可能会让人感到反感的话,千万不要在面试中这样讲:1. ... [查看全文]
想到要找个新工作,你首先会考虑什么?薪资?地点?还是升职前景?招聘网站Classdoor调查显示,超过三分之一的人都认为找工作的时候,公司给员... [查看全文]
As the stock market values of Amazon and Facebook rose past $500bn for the first time this week, one group of... [查看全文]