In the past two weeks I’ve taken three naps at work, a total of an hour or so of shut-eye while on the... [查看全文]
Giving presentations is part of our educational or professional lives, whether we like it or not. According to e... [查看全文]
UK education group and publisher Pearson will cut 3000 jobs and has slashed its interim dividend as the group p... [查看全文]
Lunch breaks are essential for office workers, since we all need to *recharge our batteries for our minds to fu... [查看全文]
Cover letters seem like a lost art when it comes to applying for jobs in this digital world. They are becoming... [查看全文]
At first blush, it sounds like the talk of a conspiracy theorist: a company implanting microchips under employees... [查看全文]
法国新任环境部长近日宣布,将在2050年前使法国成为碳零排放国家。2040年之前法国将全面禁止销售汽油和柴油汽车。其他一些国家也制定了相关... [查看全文]
求职面试中,什么问题最让人感到尴尬?那就是关于钱的问题。面试官直接问你目前的薪酬,以及期待的薪酬。如何巧妙规避这一问题?遇到一问到底... [查看全文]
Hot on the heels of the House of Commons’ report on female employee dress codes, I have been shown a cop... [查看全文]
上夜班不光会让你长痘,新研究发现,上夜班的人身体会停止自动修复日常的DNA损伤,从而可能导致基因突变和癌症。Night shift work may ... [查看全文]