用电话同外商交谈时,由于只能听到对方的声音而看不到对方的表情或姿态。因此,要想结束同他们的电话交谈,事先记住一些惯用的表达辞句,就... [查看全文]
在双方谈判的过程中,一定要注意倾听对方的发言,如果对对方的观点表示了解,可以说:I see what you mean.我明白您的意思。如果表示赞... [查看全文]
Despite the fact that you always dreamed of being that person who landed a corner office before you turned ... [查看全文]
Life is frustrating when you’re stuck in a career rut. I’ve been there and it wasn’t pretty.... [查看全文]
The hiring manager is usually the individual who will ultimately supervise candidates if they are hired for a... [查看全文]
Dear Annie:I’ve been working for the same company for 17 years and, now that we’ve been acquired ... [查看全文]
If you read one more article on happiness in the workplace, you're going to lose it.有人说:那些教你如何开心工作... [查看全文]
As another class of college seniors prepares to finish their final semester of school, they might focus on final... [查看全文]
From time to time, we all deal with disappointment at work. It just happens. A hiring manager can choose the w... [查看全文]
There isn't a right or wrong answer to interview questions about what motivates you. The interviewer is tryin... [查看全文]