"Tell Me About Yourself" is the most popular way for hiring managers to start most one-on-one job interviews; ge... [查看全文]
Ladies, if you thought it was just women who are judged on their looks at work, think again. It seems men hav... [查看全文]
Having endured a long and gradual recovery from the financial crisis of 2008, Britain now offers some of the be... [查看全文]
填写表格和发放工号时常用到的英语语句:Please read the "Notes" before.填表格前请先细阅须知部分。Please read the "Notes" bef... [查看全文]
商务出差必备的酒店预订英文常用句:早上好,大连富丽华大酒店。Good morning. Dalian Furama Hotel.有什么可以为您效劳的?What can ... [查看全文]
办理入住手续时常用的英文句:早上好,先生。欢迎,入住我们酒店。Good morning, sir. Welcome to our hotel.早上好。我订了个房间,... [查看全文]
Using the right word can matter. Using the wrong word can matter even more. I once lost a potential gig becaus... [查看全文]
Are you thinking about quitting, but not sure you're doing it for the right reason? Before you quit a job,... [查看全文]
许多求职者在面试完会有一种感觉,就是与面试官详谈甚欢,最后却没得到这份工作?为什么?因为你没有给出面试官想要……误区1:When they a... [查看全文]
Worried about being considered a job hopper? Not sure how long you should stay at your job, even if you don... [查看全文]