今天,小编要传授一些做PPT展示时最最实用的英文表达,教你如何变身presentation达人,勾住听众的心。开场白▌在正式场合做presentation,... [查看全文]
好像每年的春季都是辞职、跳槽的高峰期。这边刚把现公司上一年的事情都结算清楚,那边下家也找得差不多了。这个找下家的过程中,面试是必不... [查看全文]
Once upon a time, bank robbers wore balaclavas and dug tunnels. No longer. Three months ago, the world experienc... [查看全文]
In 1999, Duncan Clark gained bragging rights that any long-time China hand would relish today: the former Morgan... [查看全文]
You're standing face-to-face with a professional in your industry who can help you advance your career. This ... [查看全文]
It’s the end of a life of studies and exams for millions of university graduates. You’re marching to... [查看全文]
1.Communicate1.沟通One of the worst pitfalls in a collaboration is a misunderstanding between participants, so alway... [查看全文]
1. Define your MITs. 1. 确定最重要的任务。 2. Don't multi-task. 2. 不要一心多用。 3. Create a mornin... [查看全文]
There are 6 key points you should include in your covering letter: First of all, say that you would like... [查看全文]
一、董秘/总助: Secretary/General Manager Assistant 二、金融理财: Financial Planner 三、心理咨询: Psychological Co... [查看全文]