1. Exercise Outdoors Daily:1. 每天做户外运动:Try to get some exercise (even if it's just 15minutes) every day... [查看全文]
云计算时代,我们不用随身携带移动硬盘和U盘等存储设备,把文件直接存储在云空间就可以随时随地访问和下载了。其实,遍布世界各地的free l... [查看全文]
大学毕业生找工作的同时,在职人员们也在忙着找更好的下家,准备跳槽。一般来说,跳槽到新公司,拿到的薪资待遇都会好于原来的公司。至于这... [查看全文]
在公司待了几年以后,对工作的热情没有前几年那么高,有新的想法也不愿意去实践,公司的活动也不怎么参加。那么,你可能是正在经历职场动力... [查看全文]
Next time you're looking for a job, it might be worth checking the gender of the chief executive's child... [查看全文]
A study found that workers in Japan distrust their employers significantly more than workers in the US, UK, Cana... [查看全文]
The stick really is better than the carrot when it comes to motivating people, a study has found.一项研究表明,大... [查看全文]
你也许对这种桥段并不陌生:某个平庸员工不知何故被精明干练、不怒自威的老板相中,认为他才华卓著,不顾周遭反对坚持予以重用。其实,老板... [查看全文]
当今社会,最看重的就是人才。要想成功经营一家企业,首先就要擦亮眼睛选好雇员,避免出现庸才当道的状况。Bozo explosion is the larg... [查看全文]
It's tough to hold on to good employees, but it shouldn't be. Most of the mistakes that companies make ... [查看全文]