美国:留学巨头,奖学金发放明显,专业难申2013-2014年各国留学政策总体良好,留学大热门美国,将继续对中国学生持开放态势,在留学签证和... [查看全文]
1.toilet=抽水马桶flush the toilet=冲马桶2.toilet=(英式)厕所英国、澳大利亚、香港、新加坡、新西兰的人说厕所时常用toilet。美国人... [查看全文]
1. Be active. 积极进取。Whether you're going to the gym twice a day every day or you're taking walks aro... [查看全文]
to feel the flame of dreaming and to feel the moment of dancing,when all the romance is far away,the eternity ... [查看全文]
【hand】Need a hand? 要帮忙吗?I saw it first hand.我亲眼所见。Get your hands off me!把手拿开。I've got to hand ... [查看全文]
Baked Beans焗豆Baked beans is a dish containing beans, sometimes baked but, despite the name, usually stewed, in ... [查看全文]
开口就说 Open your mouth付费方式pass the hat 大家出钱I put in five Yuan.学来就用 Let’s practice如何回答老板对于... [查看全文]
When Bethany Albert was home at her parents’ house in Tacoma, Wash. for the holidays, she came home on Ch... [查看全文]
1.Smile(笑)2.Fastfood(快餐)3.Horizon(地平线)4.Idea(想法)5.Inflaion(通货膨胀)6.Tsunami(海啸)7.Tunnel(隧道)8.Exit(出口)9.ill(生病)10... [查看全文]
Single fears lonely, double fears unworthy.一个人怕孤独,两个人怕辜负.When the door of happiness closes,another opens,b... [查看全文]