What is the most valuable skill a person can have for their entire life?人的一生中最重要的的技能是什么?获得15.1k好评... [查看全文]
Why is failure good?为什么失败是好的?获得4.4k好评的回答@ James AltucherFailure is not good.失败没什么好的。There is abso... [查看全文]
Q: What is the saddest truth about life?生活中令人沮丧的真相是什么?获得9.5k好评的答案@Dushyant BhatiHalf the world's... [查看全文]
What is always better the first time?总觉得第一次更美好的有哪些事?获得2.3k好评的回答:@Priya ChincholikarThe first time ... [查看全文]
Are there any lies that your parents told you as a kid that you believed for longer than you'd like to ad... [查看全文]
网友在Quora上问:What are the fascinating things that happen once in a year?有哪些事情是一年发生一次的奇妙事情?Chichen... [查看全文]
Q:What is the weirdest way someone proposed to a girl and she accepted?问:能不能想出一个无敌奇葩、但女生最后还是接受... [查看全文]
Vivek Hegde:How about 'Gisborne Airport' in New Zealand.新西兰吉斯伯恩机场An active railway line runs through... [查看全文]
有网友问:Karma: What is the most striking instance of what goes around comes around that you have seen?你见过的最... [查看全文]
网友问:What is a true personal story of yours that people have a hard time believing?你有哪些让人难以置信的个人经历... [查看全文]