答应改变付款方式 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of 9th February.We have carefully considered your prop... [查看全文]
要求更易于接受的付款条款 Dear Sirs, Our past purchase of Mild Steel Sheet from you has been paid as a rule... [查看全文]
建议使用见票后30天应付的信用证支付 Dear Sirs, We wish to place with you an order for 1 000 casks Iron Nails... [查看全文]
寄送形式发票 Dear Mr.Green, In reply to:your request,dated 14 July 2006,we have much pleasure in sending you... [查看全文]
索取形式发票 Dear Sirs, One of our clients has asked us to obtain a pro forma invoice for the following ... [查看全文]
要求银行开立信用证 Dear Sirs: We request you to open for our account by air mail with the Bank of China,S... [查看全文]
提议变更付款条件 Dear Sirs, Concerning the payment of this transaction,we suggest a 90 d/s draft under D/A ... [查看全文]
要求变更汇票日期 Dear Sirs, You require a draft at sight under irrevocable L/C as payment terms. However... [查看全文]
付款条款 Dear Sirs, We have thoroughly considered the terms of payment discussed with your Mr Wu.We are in... [查看全文]
催促下订单 Dear Peter, Per conversation by phone few days ago,we know your visiting schedule for inspecting... [查看全文]