Survey the New Opener from the Bark 向银行查询新客户资信情况 写作案例详解 Dear Sir or Madam, We have ... [查看全文]
向客户查询信用及经营情况 Inquiring New Customer’s Credit Information from Customers 写作案例详解 Dear Mr. S... [查看全文]
写作案例详解 Dear Sir or Madam, We have received a sudden order from the Delta Company,Ltd,1258 Huston ... [查看全文]
资信调查有利回函 Favorable Letter of Credit Information 写作案例详解 Dear Thomas, In reply to your inqu... [查看全文]
资信调查不利回函 Unfavorable Letter of Credit Information 写作案例详解 Dear Thomas, We have received you... [查看全文]
表明无法提供确切意见而致歉 写作案例详解 Dear Thomas, We regret our inability to let you know any inform... [查看全文]
请求老客户作为资信证人 Asking for Credit Information from Old Customers 写作案例详解 Dear Charlie, Thank... [查看全文]
要求对方提供资信资料 Asking for Credit Information 写作案例详解 Dear Mr.Bean, Thanks for your order and... [查看全文]
同意资信要求 Accepting the consulting requirement 写作案例详解 Dear Thomas Thanks for your reply of Aug... [查看全文]
Business Survey业务调查business survey business survey business survey 写作案例详解 Dear Sirs, We have l... [查看全文]