To: Willian Huang, Department of General Affairs From: Joseph Liu, Director of Personnel Subject: Work Trans... [查看全文]
辞退 To: Francis Xu, General Office From: Marc Morgan, Director of Personnel Date: June 5, 199- Subje... [查看全文]
(Example) Dear Sirs, The Barclays Bank Ltd. has been kind enough to inform us that you are one of the l... [查看全文]
(Example) 1. Dear Sir, I am pleased to advise that a trade mission from Australia comprising 12 members... [查看全文]
工作申请函通常由两部分组成,即附函(convering letter)和履历表(resume),前者的目的是引起读者对申请的注意,后者则提供读者有关申请人... [查看全文]
商务访问和谈判是商务活动的一项重要内容,为使访问能够顺利、成功,在成行之前都需通过信函作细致的旅行和访问安排。主要的信函包括: ... [查看全文]
1.询 Dear Sirs, We wish to buy the following items of electronics equipment for our language laboratory. W... [查看全文]
Look at the memo below and decide how it can be improved; Rewrite it in your own words; When you've done thi... [查看全文]
(F=foreigner, C=Chinese) F: This is the United States calling. Is this 123-4321 C: Yes, it is. May I help... [查看全文]
To: William Smith, Supervisor From: George Zhang, Accounting Department Date: March 21, 20- Subject: Casua... [查看全文]