INVESTIGATION REPORT TO:Leonard Johnson,Sales Manager From:John Lee Date:September 28,2006 Subject:SALES PE... [查看全文]
ROUTINE REPORT To:Jack,Safety Director From:Tom,Safety Training Coordinator Date:May 3,2006 Subject:Safety ... [查看全文]
加强保安措施报 Report From:Security Director To:General Manager Subject:Security Me... [查看全文]
员工福利报 A Report on the Benefits for the Staff of ABC Software From:Personnel Ma... [查看全文]
Report From:Jack Owens To:President’s Advisory Committee Subject:A Management Development Program for APG E... [查看全文]
ANNOUNCEMENT Comrade customers,your attention,please. Just now two young girl students wearing the school badg... [查看全文]
GOOD NEWS Summer Clearance Sales All the goods on show are sold at twenty percent discount.Please examine ... [查看全文]
调动通知 Dear Mr.Green, This is to advise you that after five memorable years in Los Angeles,I am returnin... [查看全文]
面试通知函 Dear××, Thank you for your recent application for employment with The Chambers Corporation.? An... [查看全文]
Dear Mr.Hunter: John Stewart,your director of public relations,told me that you were looking for a communicatio... [查看全文]