What is a dark star?什么是暗星?Black stars may be the most influential celestial bodies in the universe that no ... [查看全文]
Stargazers wowed by East Coast meteor东海岸流星让天文爱好者惊叹不已A possible meteor was spotted streaking above the ... [查看全文]
What is Candida auris?什么是念珠菌?An infectious, drug-resistant fungus that kills about half of the people it infe... [查看全文]
2 dead stars are locked in a timeless embrace两颗死掉的恒星被锁在永恒的拥抱中These stars have only ever known each ... [查看全文]
US college student unearths 65-million-year-old Triceratops skull美国大学生发掘出6500万年前的三角龙头骨A US college stude... [查看全文]
The Milky Way swallowed another galaxy billions of years ago, study says研究表明,银河系在数十亿年前吞并了另一个星系For... [查看全文]
100 million apple bacteria actually keep the doctor away: study研究:让医生远离你的不是苹果,是1亿苹果细菌Here’s a... [查看全文]
Eating spicy foods could lead to dementia, study finds研究发现,吃辛辣食物可能导致痴呆Spicy foods might be good for ... [查看全文]
Color-changing tattoos will track your glucose levels: study研究:变色纹身可以跟踪你的血糖水平Soon, tattoos won’t j... [查看全文]
Why growing up on a farm is good for your immune system为什么在农场长大对你的免疫系统有好处Health experts have known... [查看全文]