Canned laughter makes ‘dad jokes’ funnier: study研究发现,笑的录音让老爸笑话更好笑Don’t scoff at laugh... [查看全文]
Remains of one the world's oldest known mosques discovered世界上最古老的清真寺遗址被发现The remains of a 1,200-yea... [查看全文]
Baby birds communicate with each other before they even hatch幼鸟甚至在孵化前就会互相交流A bird's nest is a hub... [查看全文]
Animals not adapting quickly enough to climate change - study研究表明,动物对气候变化的适应速度不够快A new study has ... [查看全文]
When it comes to aging in place, self-driving cars won't save us当谈到老化问题时,自动驾驶汽车不会拯救我们Five yea... [查看全文]
Fast-growing web of doorbell cams raises privacy fears快速增长的门铃摄像头网络,引发了人们对隐私的担忧The woodsy communit... [查看全文]
Why the Apollo 11 anniversary still matters为什么阿波罗11周年纪念仍然重要Created by artist Luke Jerram, the 'Moon&... [查看全文]
Why your sunscreen is bad for coral reefs为什么防晒霜对珊瑚礁有害The sunscreen we slather on to protect ourselves f... [查看全文]
Legionnaires' disease: What you need to know军团病:你需要知道的There's something nefarious about Legionnaires... [查看全文]
It's not just sadness that can lead to a broken heart导致心破碎的不仅仅是悲伤Takotsubo syndrome gets its name f... [查看全文]