NASA shares rare footage of scientists testing moon rocksNASA分享科学家测试月球岩石的罕见画面Scientists and stargazers ... [查看全文]
'Artificial ice' could save Antarctic ice sheet from collapsing人造冰可以挽救南极冰盖免于崩溃Governments could s... [查看全文]
Scientists may have discovered a way to make Mars habitable科学家发现使火星宜居的新方法As far as anyone knows, Mars... [查看全文]
When In Direct Sunlight, These New Shoes Will Start Changing Colors在阳光直射下,这些新鞋会开始变色Converse has shown... [查看全文]
10 Photos Taken From The International Space Station That Are Literally Out Of This World从国际空间站上拍摄的10张照... [查看全文]
Here’s What These 30 Famous People Will Look Like Old, Thanks To FaceApp多亏了FaceApp,我们能看到这10位名人老了... [查看全文]
Study reveals mental illness can reduce life expectancy by up to 20 years研究表明,精神疾病可使寿命缩短20年A new Aus... [查看全文]
'Malnourished' black hole breaks all the rules营养不良黑洞打破了所有规则Black holes don't give up their se... [查看全文]
What an increase in air turbulence means for frequent fliers对于经常乘坐飞机的人来说,气流的增加意味着什么Severe turbule... [查看全文]
Remembering Apollo 11 and the giant step that changed everything纪念阿波罗11号--改变世界的一大步Buzz Aldrin walks on ... [查看全文]